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Kendra Lee Lovell
CoFitness Testimonial
Sometimes we don't realize how far back we fall on the scale and before I knew it I was overweight and lacked a lot of confidence. It ruined the way I looked at myself, my persona and just my routine in general.

I have known Chelsi for 14 years and when she started this business, I knew she could help me get myself back in the game. Watching her meet her goals in the fitness industry has given me the will power to gain my confidence back.

Co-Fitness has helped me do that and while I am seeing a change in my body every month, the commitment comes easy. Chelsi is supportive and motivates you to get to your goals. Thank you. Down a few, a few more to go!
Lizelle Mouton
CoFitness Testimonial
Chelsi is more than a coach, more than a mentor. She is. An inspirer. An Empowerer. An Engager. These three characteristics are just a short sample of the many things that come to mind when I think of Chelsi.

Throughout my journey with CoFitness, I have felt heard, understood, and supported in both my physical and personal struggles. This is an aspect of Chelsi’s coaching style that I deeply appreciate and find most valuable – since mental health is equally as important as physical health.

Chelsi is excellent with her communication and has the ability to create a sense of self-awareness and self-discipline in her clients. Her weekly check ups, enthusiasm and motivation are a continuous driving force that always puts my body and mind right back on track.

Being a part of CoFitness has made me feel competent in the pursuit of achieving my goals and has given me the confidence and desire to improve myself on all levels. My personalised programme has made an immense difference as it is structured in such a way as to not only aid, but add, to my lifestyle.

I am satisfied with my overall results and am excited to continue this journey with CoFitness!
Lauren Fouché
Client Testimonial
I really appreciate the feedback I receive, as it makes such a difference in reassuring me that I’m on the right track! Thank you!

I’ve tried signing up with a lifestyle coach here in Australia earlier this year, and I really just felt like I was a number – very hasty messages and responses to questions, and couldn’t be bothered to take your personal circumstances into account. So I really do appreciate your insight and that your journey is relatable and you know exactly what helped you and you can advise on that – thank you.

Looking forward to seeing how the rest of my journey goes.
Kayla Henriques
CoFitness Client Testimonial
I just wanted to let you know, I weighed myself today and I was 5kgs down. Feels like it makes the world of difference appearance wise, and I feel a bit more confident as well. I just wanted to say thank you for your support as a coach, it has made a massive difference. Normal coaches just give you the plans and then you are on your own, it’s quite demotivating as you feel alone in the journey.

Your constant support and check-ins are so refreshing and it means the world to have such an inspirational person backing me.

Thank you again.
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